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Peder Tellefsdal is a speaker and communications consultant who helps Church Leaders, and organizations make the Christian faith relevant again to modern audiences.

Regain confidence in sharing your faith

Peder Tellefsdal

Practical tools for creating clear messaging

Understand the perspective of modern audiences

Bring new members into your organization

Feeling stuck between the public perception of the Church and the true message of The Gospel?

It’s tough being a faith-based leader today. 


Modern audiences don’t “buy in” to the fundamental message of the Church like they used to. Plus, the media has painted the Church as ‘out-of-touch,’ ‘unnecessary,’ and even ‘harmful.’

When I speak with Church leaders like you, I hear the same frustrations:

  • Exhausted from defending the Church as an organization

  • Tired of endless conversations about topics that divide us, instead of focusing on what unites us

  • Secretly long for the days when you could speak openly about Jesus and The Gospel

Don’t you wish you could stop spending energy on what divides us and return to speaking about what unites us? 


Over the last few decades, the Church has become defined by what we are against instead of what we are for. It’s time to reclaim what we’ve lost.


Let’s make the Christian faith relevant again.


Signature Program

Pitching the Gospel

How to Connect with Modern Audiences without Losing the Core of Christianity

Available as a Keynote or Workshop



Audiences today are not resonating with the Church’s messaging like they used to. So, some Church leaders try to engage people by watering down the true message of the Gospel and treating Jesus as a metaphor rather than the historical figure. While others try to be even more exclusive, leaving very little room for people who aren’t deemed ‘worthy’ of the Church’s approval. Neither approach works because they each fail to communicate Christianity’s main selling point: Grace. 


What if, instead, we could tell modern audiences a story that they actually want to be in? Peder Tellefsdal brings 20 years as a professional communicator to help Church leaders reclaim and tell the Greatest Story Ever Told so that we can make The Gospel reach a new generation.


In this presentation, you’ll learn:

  • The 2 ‘ditches’ that most Church leaders fall into today and how they fail to communicate ‘grace’

  • The main principles of effective communication and how they apply to the Church

  • 3 action steps every Christian organization should start doing today to attract and engage new followers

Meet Peder

Peder Telefsdal - Climate Communications Speaker.jpeg

Peder Tellefsdal is a PR professional, communication consultant, and speaker who believes that what we do in small, we do in large. 


As a young man, Peder lost his faith and abandoned Christianity. After several years of destructive behavior, it was a non-church organization that pulled him back, where he discovered the power of grace and finally connected with the core message of the gospel. 


That’s when he realized the Church was missing an opportunity to reach people like him. Luckily, Peder is a communication specialist, so he set out to help Christian organizations make the Church relevant to modern audiences.


In 2022, he delivered a talk at TEDxArendal where he shared his story of repentance, "How to seek forgiveness when relationships are on the line,” which inspired over 1.5 million people. 


Peder imagines a world where everyone communicates effectively, takes responsibility for their screw-ups, and receives the most beautiful gift in the world: grace.


He lives in Arendal with his wife and two young children and spends his rare free time shredding on an electric guitar.


  • Senior Partner, Innoventi

  • Master of Management, Norwegian Business School: Strategic Communication and Storytelling

  • TEDxArendal Speaker: 1.7 million views

  • General Manager, Electric Boating Business Network

  • Chief of Staff, City Board (Government), Oslo

  • Political Advisor, Norwegian Parliament

  • StoryBrand Certified Guide

Working with Peder is Simple and Easy

Schedule an Event Consultation

Book a call with Peder to discuss your organization or event

Get a custom proposal 

Peder will personalize his program for your group and goals

Clarity and Confidence

Your group will leave inspired to spread The Gospel and equipped with practical tools to make Christianity relevant to modern audiences

Discover How Clear Your Church's Message Truly Is

Take a FREE Self-Assessment on "How Clear is Your Church Message"This quick quiz is your key to evaluating and strengthening your church's messaging and communication. 

Self-Assessment for Church Leaders
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